Coleman LED Micro Quad lyhty


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Tuotemerkki: Coleman


Colemanin laadukas lyhty joka voidaan jakaa 4 osaan Mukana eri värilaattoja (sininen, vihreä, punainen, keltainen) esim. signaalikäyttöön. Kaikissa lampuissa lisäksi magneetti ja kiinnitysklipsi Completely new lamp concept with 4 detachable LEDmicro-lights. Ideal for tables or working surfaces and great as light for kids! Especially for more persons THE LED light. It has a central switch, each of the 4 panels can be detached individually and each has an on/off switch. The lantern itself has – next to the battery case- a case with 4 colour plates (blue, green, red, yellow) that fit on the individual panels. Ideal for night work on maps or as signal light. Each of the detachable micro-lights has a small magnet as well as a rubber ring and a clip to fasten the LED lamps individually. The battery case of the lantern feeds all 4 LED lights and their built-in batteries. 16 lumenia Paloaika 9h 45min Ø 9 x 14 cm, 266 g (pattereiden kanssa 362 g) Toimii 4:llä AA partolla